1.) 5:30 PM - The Commission discusses the whether to raise our taxes !5% or 22%. They really can't decide.
What they do know is that the only things negotiable in the budget are the things the residents want like Open Space, a Dog Park, Youth Programs, Clean Streets. Those will get cut because the village needs to pay the commission's political debts and we can't expect those to be postponed.
2.) 7:30 PM or later. After the Commission takes the time to not consider how to better spend our money, they will launch into their regular meeting. What a meeting it will be.
Up first under special presentations, the Commission will hear from Joe Centorino, spokesmodel for the Miami Dade Commission on Ethics and Public Trust. He was invited by Vice Mayor Jorge Gonzalez who has been censured by the Commission on Ethics and whose most recent false complaint was dismissed not once but twice by the COE. Gonzalez invited Centorino to show that no matter what he does, the COE will do everything in its power to keep Gonzalez from facing the consequences of his actions.
Then State Rep David Richardson will get up and talk about his upcoming campaigns.
This will be followed by the the Bayshore Yacht and Tennis Club about why they sadly are not able to move forward on getting all their cars parked and asking for more time.
That's right. In the same month that they are raising your taxes, North Bay Village Commissioners Chervony and Vice Mayor Jorge Gonzalez have decided that the most important thing they could do was weigh in on the Iran Nuclear Treaty.
If you remember, our last foray into international politics left us twinned with the Pro-Islamic, right wing mayor of Isparta Turkey, who Jorge Gonzalez met during his
More next week.
Kevin Vericker
September 4, 2015
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