This is a blog from a long time resident and is focused on the issues facing North Bay Village, Florida, the most densely populated municipality in the state. Opinions expressed are my own but facts are facts. I welcome comments and even guest posts.
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Endorsing David Richardson for State Rep (North Bay Village, Miami Beach, Downtown and Calle Ocho)
Friday, July 27, 2012
Our Commission Disgraced Itself This Week
Connie and Eddie Lim-Kreps, true to their singular nature, could think of no better candidate than Al Blake, the self proclaimed "friend and emissary" of strip club Scott Greenwald, and they promoted him vigorously, brooking no arguments about other possibilities.
On the opposing team (yet oddly the one appointed by the Lim-Kreps team under the aegis of their sponsors), commishes Chervony and Blumberg were promoting Ken Stowe of North Bay Island, who seems like a nice guy but he was really there as an "anybody but Blake".
So they bickered back and forth for a full hour, neither side willing to concede anything or look for a compromise candidate. After wasting an hour of their time that they could have used doing something constructive, the commission decided to violate the charter, ignore the rules of democracy and leave the seat vacant with no plans to fill it. Their only obligation, fill a seat that has de facto been vacant for a year and a half, and they couldn't manage it.
Then just to make sure that the evening had all the class of the Jerry Springer show, Mayor Connie Lim-Kreps let the defeated Al Blake interrupt the meeting so he could toss shade on Blumberg. Blake actually went to the podium to say, "well, commissioner Blumberg, if you want new blood, why not nominate my wife?" (Maybe because his wife has been around forever? And we know her?)
The vice mayor Eddie Lim-Kreps felt obligated to state that a withdrawn resolution by commissioner Blumberg was "stupid." Eddie Lim-Kreps used to adhere to the Rotary Club principles of debate but as the realities of governing have exceeded his intellectual capacity, now merely sits and babbles nonsense occasionally interspersed with gratuitous insults. Not exactly a source of pride, that Eddie.
After all the hysteria of recalls, accusations hurled, lives damaged, the gridlock caused by the Lim-Kreps team, the unconscionable abuse of Paul Vogel, the checks signed in the dark, after all that, when the coup so profoundly desired and executed by Al Blake and the twins was successful, the Lim Krep twins can't even hold on to the people they hand picked .
Eddie Lim-Kreps is not on the ballot this November, but everyone else is. Here's an idea. Throw them all out. Every one.
Kevin Vericker
July 27 ,2012
Monday, July 23, 2012
Sunday, July 22, 2012
As pf 6 PM. the water pressure seems to be normalized.
THERE IS NO BOIL WATER IN EFFECT but you should should check to see if one is put in later in the day.
I will update the blog if I hear of one. ..
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
So I promised to get to the finances but not today.
I understand the commissioners' concerns and when they came out last month at the commission meeting, I thought it best to reserve judgment, believing as I do that Dennis Kelly needs a chance. Well what I've seen is that Kelly has more than lived up to responsibilities, has the administration on the right track and is finally cleaning up the morass of our finances.
North Bay Village has suffered tremendously under unprofessional interim management for two solid years and it shows. No progress was made on any of the key issues. The boards had fallen fallow. Our finances were a mystery. And it's no easy task to clean that up.
The city now has transparent financial reporting, Kelly has been active with the boards, steering them and containing, been open to new ideas and willing to share his reasoning and experience. I'm impressed.
I'm hoping the two commissioners will de-escalate the current conflict, declare a new starting point and work with the city manager. This is not to say forget what the concerns are, but figure out how to move forward. Kelly is a good man for this city and the results are showing.
Kevin Vericker
July 18, 2012
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
The Wee Small Hours
Friday, July 6, 2012
The July 10, 2012 Commission Meeting
The next meeting looks like a marathon. I've embedded the agenda below and you can see that it ranges over a wide spectrum of subjects.
Let me jump to the first one that I believe to be important, the update to the Adult Entertainment Ordinance. As regular readers know, I had problems with the form of how this was submitted, as legislation by the city attorney. I didn't like this for two reasons - an aversion to having non-elected officials introducing legislation and that the attorney was unable or unwilling to explain how the ordinance would affect the strip club threat.
The legislation itself is good. It's a recrafting of our existing ordinance to meet the latest thinking on such clubs. It provides clearer information on the restrictions and prohibits the sale of alcohol at such establishments.
A commissioner, Richard Chervony, has signed on as sponsor which eliminates the concern about the lawyer sponsoring the legislation. I have embedded the revised ordinance below the agenda.
Overall, it's a good change and one that I hope passes.
The other key issue is the replacement of Commissioner Paul Vogel. He died June 26, 2012 Under our charter, the commission has 30 days to replace him by appointment from the commission. Failing that, the city needs to hold a special election. Only residents of North Bay Island are eligible for the seat.
It's no secret that the commission is deadlocked over the issue of firing the city manager. There may be concern that whoever is appointed will either be for or against keeping the city manager. Two of the commissioners have deep reservations about the city manager's work and there was a motion which deadlocked to fire him at the last meeting. The subject should rest now. There's a budget to get through and we're already in it. It would be best to readdress this in October and I hope that the commission decides definitively on Tuesday night to appoint someone or to schedule a special election as soon as they can. Don't let it drag on.
And Now For Something Different
The July 4th party at Vogel Park was nice. The band was just great and I'm not a CW guy but that girl knew how to sing. The setup was good for an event like this. It was a nice inaugural event. Of course, it was Miami hot and more shade would be a good thing Maybe it should go later in the day, but those are quibbles. I'm looking forward to further events there.
Below is the agenda for Tuesday followed by the Adult Ordinance. Kevin Vericker July 6, 2012 7-10-2012 Agenda City Commission Mtg Part 1 Proposed Change to Adult Entertainment Ordinance May 2012